historic places

The Times Is Not Bullish on the Future of JFK’s Worldport

We’ve known for some time that the big, round, retro-futurist Terminal 3 at John F. Kennedy International Airport, also known as the Worldport or the flying saucer, was doomed. That the National Trust for Historic Presentation recently added the building constructed by Pan Am and now owned by Delta to its list of America’s 11 Most Endangered Places probably won’t change that. In case said preservationists had their hopes up, the New York Times is here to tamp them back down: “Delta has every intention of demolishing Terminal 3. Workers are already removing asbestos and lead paint to prepare it for wrecking crews.” Gather ye Instagrams of this cool old building while ye may. Its days are numbered.

The Times Is Not Bullish on JFK’s Worldport