the racie for gracie

Lhota Ad: Vote for the Guy Who Isn’t Humiliating the City

In Joe Lhota’s last campaign ad, Mayor Giuliani said of his former deputy mayor, “It was Joe who kept the city running during 9/11.” That’s a hard claim to top, so on Monday the Republican mayoral candidate shot a little lower. “This primary election has become embarrassing … a circus,” declares the narrator of his latest commercial, over a collage featuring Bill de Blasio being arrested, Christine Quinn wearing rabbit ears, and Anthony Weiner … being Anthony Weiner. The newspaper quotes that follow don’t go into any depth about Lhota’s accomplishments, but the message is that only one credential really matters: The entire country isn’t joking about Lhota’s brazen sexual antics … so far, at least.

Lhota Ad: I’m the Guy Who’s Not Embarrassing