2016 has begun

Joe Biden Floats Hopeful 2016 Trial Balloon

Photo: NBC

Amid the Clinton-Christie 2016 madness, it often seems poor old Vice-President Joe Biden gets overlooked when political types gaze ahead to the next presidential election. But as Biden took to the morning talk shows on Wednesday to discuss the president’s State of the Union address, the conversation turned to his own political aspirations. Biden was cagey, but he was not shy. “In my heart, I’m confident I could make a good president,” he said on the Today show. We already know this because he’s run for the position twice (in 1988 and in 2008). On This Morning, he said he hadn’t decided on whether to try it a third time. “Jill and I will make that decision later down the road … If I don’t run for president we’ll all be okay.” Oh, but he wants it so badly.

Joe Biden Floats Hopeful 2016 Trial Balloon