kids today

Staten Island Teens Go Crazy for (Allegedly) Corrupt Congressman

Photo: Business Insider

Recently indicted Representative Michael Grimm — the guy who threatened to throw a reporter “off [a] fucking balcony” — still seems cool to at least a few Staten Island teens. (Or maybe the legal issues and the violent threats made him seem more cool? Kids today!) Over the weekend, Business Insider noticed some young ladies excitedly tweeting about having attended a sweet-16 celebration where Grimm was also a guest.

The (since-deleted) posts included talk of “[dancing] with [Grimm] all night and [making] him fall in love with me,” plans to “wear nice underwear” for the occasion, and a photo of one user standing next to the congressman, whom she referred to as “bae.” When reached for comment, a spokesperson explained that Grimm is a “personal friend” of the birthday girl’s family, so it’s not like he just decided to crash some random party. Still, a guy with his problems might want to think about telling his underage fans to tone down the social-media use next time.

Staten Island Teens Love Michael Grimm