early and awkward

John McCain Shouts at Jay Carney During His CNN Debut

Former White House press secretary Jay Carney, who was just hired by CNN, made his TV debut tonight during the analysis of President Obama’s speech on ISIS. As people were discussing Syria in a TV studio, John McCain suddenly materialized and immediately began attacking Carney. The senator initially took issue with Carney’s claim that the moderate Syrian rebels are now stronger, then just unloaded on him about his many issues with Obama’s Syria policy.

In one of several attempts to “agree to disagree,” Carney began, “Sir, I can posit, with great respect for you …” but McCain cut him off, yelling, “You can’t! You can’t! No, you can’t! Because you don’t have the facts, Mr. Carney, that’s the problem!”

Carney’s hazing was kind of uncomfortable to watch, but it’s nothing compared to what they’re going to make him do to Wolf Blitzer’s beard.

McCain Shouts at Carney During His CNN Debut