horrible things

Mommy Blogger Arrested for Allegedly Throwing Her Autistic Son Off a Bridge

Photo: Newport Police Department

A 6-year-old autistic child from Newport, Oregon, died on Monday after his mother, Jillian McCabe, allegedly threw him off of the Yaquina Bay Bridge. McCabe called police Monday night and admitted she had killed her son London McCabe, and the boy’s body was discovered in Yaquina Bay shortly afterwards.

On a blog called “Autistic London,” Jillian chronicled the difficulties of living with her non-verbal, autistic son and a husband who suffered an injury that left him unable to work. She’s currently being held on $750,000 bail.

This isn’t the first time in recent history that a mother has been accused of killing — or attempting to kill — her autistic offspring. Kelli Stapleton is currently incarcerated for attempting to poison her teenager daughter Issy.

Mom Blogger Arrested for Throwing Son Off Bridge