russia remembers what obama had for lunch yesterday

Russian Hackers Reportedly Trying to Keep Tabs on Obama’s Schedule

13 Jul 2005, Russia --- Russian President Vladimir Putin holds a meeting with senior officers from the Russian Border Guard service aboard a border patrol ship of the Federal Border Service, which he visited during his stay in Astrakhan. | Location: ASTRAKHAN, Russia. --- Image by ? Panov Alexei/ITAR-TASS/Corbis
Photo: Panov Alexei/ITAR-TASS/Corbis

CNN is reporting that Russian hackers were behind the State Department email hack — and that they used the breach to access unclassified information on the White House computer system, like President Obama’s schedule. Investigators think a phishing scam sent on the State Department’s email server likely led to the hack, and an official told CNN that they weren’t sure the threat had been removed completely. CNN’s report ends by reminding people who might wonder what this story means for Hillary Clinton that the hack happened after the end of her private email server’s tenure.

Hackers Reportedly Trying to Keep Tabs on Obama