
Warning: Flying a Gyrocopter to the Capitol Could Land You in Prison for Nearly a Decade

Doug Hughes, the Florida postal worker who flew a gyrocopter onto the Capitol lawn last month in an effort to make people care about campaign-finance reform, could face nine-and-a-half years in prison. Most of the discussions sparked by his initial visit to D.C. concerned national security and the ability of a man to fly a gyrocopter in restricted airspace, not super PACs. He was indicted today on six federal felony and misdemeanor charges — including one charge of “operating a vehicle falsely labeled as a postal carrier.” If he is convicted on either of the felony charges, Hughes will have to give up his gyrocopter for good. The 61-year-old told a local news station in Georgia while traveling up for his court appearance, “To be perfectly clear, I’ll never do that again, but yeah I think it was worth it.”

Gyrocopter Pilot Could Face 9 Years in Prison