Wells Fargo CEO Goes Back to Washington for Another Public Flogging

Photo: Mark Wilson/Getty Images

Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf was back in Washington today so the House Financial Services Committee could engage in Congress’s newest competitive sport — shitting on John Stumpf. The four-hour hearing did not disappoint. There was grandstanding from Democrats and Republicans alike, who took turns telling Stumpf what an incompetent, dishonest con man he was for his bank’s fake-account scandal.

He was told to resign, accused of running a “criminal enterprise,” and warned by Representative Maxine Waters that she is “moving forward to break up Wells Fargo.”

But to know who really ripped Stumpf good, one must consult the Twitter feeds of those committee members most eager to show their constituents that they think Stumpf is a lowlife.

On Democratic New York representative Carolyn Maloney’s feed you’ll find a link to this YouTube video. It shows her “DESTROY” Stumpf by accusing him of selling $13 million in bank shares just after he learned about the scandal, labeling the time of the sale “very, very suspicious.”

On Democratic New York representative Gregory Meeks’s Twitter you’ll find him not letting Stumpf “off easy” by comparing him to a bank robber.

And the feed of Democratic Minnesota representative Keith Ellison contains a video with some nifty editing work showing all the times Stumpf played dumb and answered Ellison’s questions with “I don’t know.”

Stumpf added to the anger of his inquisitors by saying a handful of stupid things, like clarifying that the bank lost $8 million on the fake accounts it created in the names of unwitting customers. For that, he received no sympathy.

Wells Fargo CEO Goes Back to D.C. for a Public Flogging