White House: It’s Ironic for Trump to Accuse Clinton of Taking Drugs Before Debates

Earnest goes ironic. Photo: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Over the weekend, Donald Trump suggested that Hillary Clinton should be forced to take a drug test before the next debate, because she clearly got “pumped up” before the last one.

Among the many reasons these remarks were strange was the fact that it was Trump — not Clinton — who had exhibited one of the primary symptoms of recent cocaine use at each of the presidential debates, as esteemed medical professional Howard Dean has observed:

(Notably, the GOP nominee’s sniffling problem was far more conspicuous at the first two presidential debates than it was at any of the campaign events he held in between them.)

White House press secretary Josh Earnest noted this irony Monday, when he was asked to comment on Trump’s request for mandatory, pre-debate drug testing.

“You’re telling me that the candidate who snorted his way through the first two debates is accusing the other candidate of taking drugs?” Earnest asked. “That’s a curious development in the campaign.”

Asked if he believed that Trump’s sniffling had been drug-related, Earnest clarified that his quip hadn’t been made in earnest.

Earnest: It’s Ironic for Trump to Accuse Clinton of Drug Use