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Apple Made the Peach Emoji Look More Like a Butt Again, Thank Goodness

The new butt/peach emoji, first column, with its short-lived predecessor, second column. Photo: Apple

Just weeks ago, the world was reeling from devastating news that Apple, in the midst of redesigning all of its emoji for higher-resolution displays, was changing the peach emoji to look less like a butt. Without a buttlike peach, how would the sexters of our nation announce that they were horny? With what would people combine the puff-of-smoke emoji to make it look like a farting butt? Placing the smiling poop emoji next to a non-butt peach? It wasn’t going to fly.

This week, however, Apple changed course following widespread public outcry, proving that sustained public protest does actually get results. The new peach emoji would still retain its buttlike features, no longer rotated to such a degree that it no longer looked like a butt. The new butt peach in beta 3 of iOS 10.2 replaces the peach that does not look sufficiently like a butt from beta 2.

IOS 10.2, and its new additions to the emoji pantheon, is set to be released in the next few weeks.

Apple Made the Peach Emoji Look More Like a Butt Again