Correction: Sean Spicer Was ‘Among’ the Bushes, Not Hiding ‘in’ Them

Sean Spicer in his native habitat. Photo: Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images

One of the weirdest details about the chaos roiling the White House in the aftermath of James Comey’s firing Tuesday night was Press Secretary Sean Spicer speaking to reporters in “near darkness” after spending “several minutes hidden in the bushes.” At least, that’s how the Washington Post reported it at the time.

Shortly after the story was published, though, a correction was appended.

What’s the difference between huddling with staff “in” the bushes and “among” the bushes? It’s unclear, but either way, this dramatization of the event remains accurate.

Correction: Spicer Was ‘Among’ the Bushes, Not ‘in’ Them