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I Wanted to Understand the Fareed Zakaria Meme. So I Talked to Waluigi.

Fareed Zakaria, seen here wanting to understand something. Photo: Bryan Bedder/Getty Images

CNN talking head and occasional writer Fareed Zakaria filed a Washington Post column on Thursday, “I Wanted to Understand Europe’s Populism. So I Talked to Bono.” In it, Zakaria attempted to figure out the rise of ethno-nationalist parties fueled by rage of economic underclass by chatting with a celebrity whose net worth hovers around roughly a half-billion dollars. (Bono’s solution: fly the E.U. flag at U2 concerts and make Europe a “feeling” instead of a “thought.”)

Which has led to this fun game on Twitter.

The rules are pretty simple if you want to play along. You say you want to understand a subject, and then state you talked to someone who probably would not be a good source for that subject. Easy and fun, and a good way to kill a Friday afternoon.

Once you understand the rules, of course, you can break them. For instance, here’s a good one where the person serving as the punch line actually would be a good source:

I Wanted to Understand This Fareed Zakaria Meme