Michael Wolff on Clay Felker’s ambitions for his magazine—and himself.

He dared to imagine--and his martyrdom still fuels his dream.

Eight million stories in the naked city, yadda yadda yadda. But these hundred are ones all of us should know...

JFK, JR made the cut...
Tina and Anna
For a certain kind of New York man--and writer-- Brown and Wintour divided the kingdom of female power. Oh, the thrill of it.
Christy! Naomi! Linda!
In the age of the supermodels, "the trinity" had greatness thrust upon them. They ruled.
  Fun Couples
Double the weirdness, double the fun—duos you had to know.

Rudy: Self-Made Mayor
Giuliani invented his mayoral persona and methods in the U.S. Attorney's office putting white-collar criminals in jail.

  Shameless Self-Promoters
In a city of no shame, these people took the concept of getting their names out there to new heights.
    Gloria Steinem's Victory
No sense of humor? Possibly. But changing everything—and the women who started Ms. definitely did—is serious business.
  "It" Girls
There were so many reasons we couldn't take our eyes off them.
    Walt Frazier
Say hello to the man behind the birth of hoop cool.