People were saying that the Pentagon had been destroyed, the White House was on fire, six cities were under attack...
The plaza area looked like a war zone, littered with glass, steel, debris, and bodies...
Oh God, let us escape. Oh God, let me get back to my two boys...
Will my little pint of blood help one who has lost quarts...?
I wouldn't leave because I didn't know where my husband Michael was...
Sirens were screaming, we stopped to look and saw people by the dozens falling out windows...
Then the elevator stopped and the doors opened to the 90th Floor...
I have been screaming for a week now. But my screams are silent. I cannot make sounds..
He looked at the few voters in the room and said calmly "The second tower just fell..."
We stand together as a city and as a nation to show them that we will bend, but will not break...

  As the towers fell, people watching from the street, all in spontaneous unison, raised their hands to try and hold them aloft....
People were holding American flags, “thank you“ signs and cheering each worker going in and out...
There were dozens of people running south, against our flow, to get their children...
I wept for the world and humanity because it has been irreversably altered...
I still can't sleep. Tomorrow I'll try a sleeping pill...
Why am I still crying? This attack took no one I knew...

The explosion was so loud it shook everyone on the street...
. I was so happy and shocked to hear his voice on the machine, that I burst into tears again...

Additional 9/11 Letters and Emails

15 New Yorkers, 6 Months Later

Next Day Accounts

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