A Badass in Shower Sandals

Photo: Getty Images

1. Kills animals
Declared to the world last year that he would only eat meat if it came from beasts he had slaughtered personally. Won mano a mano battles with chickens, pigs, goats (he slit their throats), and even a bison (he displays the head in FB HQ).

Photo: Getty Images

2. Rides animals
Mounted a buffalo in Vietnam and traveled by donkey through Morocco.

Photo: Alamy

3. Pulls pranks
Zuckerberg “iced” underling Blake Ross, sticking a bottle of Smirnoff Ice inside a birthday cake and then, as the meme mandated, making Ross chug the putrid malt beverage on one knee.

Photo: Jonathan Fickies/Bloomberg/Getty Images

4. Pulls no punches
Asked whether he was going to tell the Winklevosses he was quitting their site to work on his own, Zuckerberg wrote to a friend: “yea i’m going to fuck them. probably in the year.” He corrected himself: “*ear.”

Photo: Getty Images

5. Rolls with muscle
Has a 24-hour security detail, including a bodyguard stationed outside his Palo Alto mansion.

Photo: Peter Kramer/Getty Images

6. Hangs out with muscle
Chills with Jet Li (or at least, he did once).

A Badass in Shower Sandals