This Week in NYC

Peter Gatien’s deportation case:
O Canada – revenge at last for Jim Carrey.

Rocky, the musical:
Finally, the Broadway vehicle Tony Danza has been looking for.

Roger Clinton accused of taking money from the Gambino family:
They’re making a movie about Roger called The Dumbbrother.

New York City announces it will start towing diplomats’ cars that have more than $230 worth of parking tickets:
Leading to a series of spy-plane-like international incidents at the car pound.

Robert Iler, mugger:
What’s worse, the people he robbed called his performance stiff and unconvincing.

Yankees and Mets ask the governor for $300 million in highway and subway improvements:
Of course, they could always use the cash for two more pitchers and a shortstop.

Joe Torre picks seven Yankees for All-Star team:
Well, it beats learning new players’ names.

This Week in NYC