Expert Testimony: The Wet Look

Wet weather can put a serious damper on your style (unless you’re the type who looks good in neon yellow). Of course, this isn’t news to ABC weatherman Sam Champion: “C’mon, I’m on TV!” he groans. “I can’t just wear my dime-store slicker.” To stay dry and make a splash, Champion wears the Sanyo Excellent, made by Japanese designer Sanyo. “You can zip cashmere linings into them, and the cut doesn’t scream ‘raincoat.’ ” Bergdorf’s associate buyer Michael Isaac agrees. “We’ve carried the label for five years – the black full-length version is our No. 1 seller.” Sanyo coats are available in cashmere, cotton, silk, and wool gabardine at Bergdorf Goodman (212-753-7500). Prices range from $1,200 to $1,650.

Expert Testimony: The Wet Look