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Twitter Is Targeting Ads Based on Emoji Use, So Get Ready for Baba Ghanoush Ads

Photo: MIGUEL MEDINA/Getty Images

Earlier this week, Twitter announced on its blog that the company is now letting advertisers target ads to Twitter users based on the emoji they use on the platform. Think Domino’s ads for people who tweet pizza emoji, Budweiser, oh sorry I meant “America,” promos for folks tweeting steins of beer. You get the idea.

According to Twitter, more than 11o billion emoji have been tweeted since 2014. Which is fun for us Twitter users who are slowly losing the ability to read anything that isn’t a pictograph, but if you think about it, represents a largely untapped market for ad revenue. With this new feature, everybody wins! (Except for any Syracuse fans who tweeted a zillion of the orange emoji during March Madness and are probably going to be haunted by juice ads till the end of time.)

Advertisers will be able to target ads based on both the emoji a person has tweeted and tweets they’ve interacted with that contain emoji. (Really makes you think twice what you fav.) And brands will be able to “connect with people based on their expressed sentiment” and “target people who tweet food emojis,” the blog post furthered. Which is good news for anybody in the eggplant or crying-cat industries.

Twitter Is Targeting Ads Based on Your Emoji Use