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Help This Half an Onion in a Ziploc Bag Get More Twitter Followers Than Donald Trump

Half an onion in a Ziploc bag.

Newly founded Twitter account @HalfOnionInABag is a simple account with one goal: accrue more followers than Donald Trump to “drive him crazy.” The account has only been live for three days and features an avatar of, well, half an onion in a bag. “I won’t clog your feeds. I’m just here to get more followers than @realDonaldTrump & then hopefully be used on a hamburger or in an omelet,” the onion explained in one of its few tweets. (33 in total at time of publication.)

At last count, @HalfOnionInABag had just reached 162,000 followers. A far cry from @realDonaldTrump’s legion of 21.7 million. (Though data shows a large chunk of those followers are fake.) Still, a half an onion has gotta start somewhere.

Help Half an Onion Get More Twitter Followers Than Trump