scantily clad hotties

New Issues of V Lumped With Men’s Magazines and Porn on Newsstands [Updated]

God bless V for being perhaps the most European of American fashion magazines. Those editors are not afraid to do here what this country doesn’t want them to do. If they want to flaunt sexy model breasts on their covers, they’ll do it, cleverly concealed with only a scratch-off logo. So that means all that’s between you Americans and those bare model breasts this country is so scared of is a coin and a plastic wrapping. However, some newsstands are categorizing this new issue, which has five racy covers you can turn nude with just the edge of a nickel, not as a fashion title, but as a men’s-interest title. While it resides in the fashion section at Borders, Barnes & Noble has put it next to Maxim. And just beneath the porn.

From left, Eniko Mihalik, Lily Donaldson, and Natasha Poly.

On stands, the issue is covered in opaque plastic from the models’ necks down. The breasts are perhaps less of a concern than Lily Donaldson’s leopard heart-shaped underwear, which is too eerily reminiscent of Christina Aguilera’s flashing vagina heart from the MTV Movie Awards.

This Month’s Racy V Magazine Joins the Men’s Interest Section [Racked]

Update: The scratch-off editions are in fact only available online, not on newsstands, but even so the non-scratch-off covers are pretty racy, as you can see.

New Issues of V Lumped With Men’s Magazines and Porn on Newsstands [Updated]