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Reebok Forced to Refund Customers for ‘Toning Shoes’ That Don’t Work [Updated]

Reebok's EasyTone flip-flops, now more than 50 percent off!
Reebok’s EasyTone flip-flops, now more than 50 percent off!

Despite several studies proving that “toning” footwear, like Skechers Shape-Ups and MBTs, doesn’t actually do anything, Reebok’s ads for their EasyTone sneakers and flip-flops claimed that their “sole technology” had special air pockets that created “micro instability” to strengthen the wearer’s leg and butt muscles. They even provided numerical evidence, according to the Federal Trade Commission:

The FTC’s complaint also alleges that Reebok falsely claimed that walking in EasyTone footwear had been proven to lead to 28 percent more strength and tone in the buttock muscles, 11 percent more strength and tone in the hamstring muscles, and 11 percent more strength and tone in the calf muscles than regular walking shoes.

We stand behind our EasyTone technology - the first shoe in the toning category that was inspired by balance-ball training. Settling does not mean we agree with the FTC’s allegations; we do not. We have received overwhelmingly enthusiastic feedback from thousands of EasyTone customers, and we remain committed to the further development of our EasyTone line of products. Our customers are our number one priority, and we will continue to deliver products that they trust and love.

Reebok Forced to Refund Customers for ‘Toning Shoes’ That Don’t Work [Updated]