it's not just lunch

Anna Wintour and Huma Abedin Had Lunch Together

Lunch buddies.
Lunch buddies. Photo: BFA, Getty Images

The Post reports that “rumors abound” after Huma Abedin and Anna Wintour were seen lunching together at the Lambs Club in midtown on Friday. More details: “Heads swiveled, lips whispered and fingers texted away” in the restaurant. Apparently their table was right near the entrance, where everyone could see them but no one could hear a word they exchanged! Why didn’t anyone peek at what they ordered, then? If you can’t eavesdrop, at least get an eyeful of their plates, for crying out loud. Did Anna get her mustard-seed vinaigrette on the side? Did Huma pick the turnip garnish off her roast diver scallops? Come on, give us something. (But seriously, when will Huma’s Vogue profile come out?)

Anna Wintour and Huma Abedin Had Lunch Together