16 Mesmerizing Kate Moss GIFs for Her 40th Birthday

Photo: Catherine McGann/2009 Catherine McGann

Today marks the fortieth year of arguably the most famous supermodel in the world’s time on our planet. Though she doesn’t have the same fresh face and hint of innocence she did when she was discovered at age 14, 40 looks a lot different on Kate Moss than it does on most humans. The model, who famously said “nothing tastes as good as skinny feels,” probably isn’t digging into a Carvel ice cream cake during her weeklong shindig on Richard Branson’s island. So, to celebrate Kate Moss-style, we’ve collected some of the most amazing, awkward, mesmerizing, and completely sugar-free GIFs, and penned an epic poem in honor of one of our favorite models on this special day.

What up, Kate, this is for you,

A poem, because it’s your birthday, foo’.

You’re an animal! An animal! NO, NO, NO!

And you live life like #YOLO.

You have more skills than the average woman,

the kind of talent that could even impress Roseanne.

We love you even when you’re just hangin’,

Hair flippin’, looking bangin’.

And smoking on the Louis Vuitton runway like you’re a boss,

Because yes, indeed, you’re Kate Moss.

You’re not 14 anymore, but it’s okay,

Just drink a lot and enjoy this day.

Mesmerizing Kate Moss GIFs for Her 40th Birthday