party chat

Allison Williams: Marnie Would Probably Behave ‘Psychotically’ Post-Make-Out

Photo: Jason LaVeris/Getty Images

On the season finale of Girls this past weekend, Marnie threw her songwriting partner, Desi (Ebon Moss), up against a dressing-room mirror. We ran into Moss at last night’s Cinema Society screening of Dom Hemingway, and he put the whole sordid affair into context for us.

“I think Marnie wants the full ’we’re lovers, we’re artists’ — some kind of coffeehouse fantasy,” Moss explained. “He’s someone who doesn’t think too much about the future. I think he’s really winging, it to be quite honest.”

He did confirm for us, though, that Marnie wasn’t completely crazy for thinking that the two had something going on: If I behaved the way Desi behaved, my girlfriend would be really upset.”

Allison Williams, meanwhile, expects that Marnie is taking the whole evening hard. She hopes it is going one way, and after being reamed out by Clementine and stalking Desi and Clementine after the party, I think she probably knows it’s not going to go her way but is still hoping for the best,” Williams said. “She’s behaving psychotically like we know her to do — with a bottle of wine,  listening on repeat to recordings of their song together.”

Allison Williams: Marnie’s Totally Freaking Out