
Astrology GIFs for the Week of April 7, 2014

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Today, April 7, hasty Mercury sprints into vivacious Aries. Interactions with others will speed up, and your social calendar will fill with party dates. But be sure to do your scheduling in pencil — strategies could change suddenly.

Choose your words wisely and think before you speak; with the sun, Mercury, and Uranus all in fiery Aries, what you say may have serious implications. You could give offense if you are careless. Unless someone really deserves it, it’s best to hold your tongue.

On Tuesday the 8th, the sun will oppose a retrograde Mars in Libra: Be prepared to face a situation that’s long overdue for resolution. Change could finally arrive at the Libran eclipse on the 15th, which will restore balance to a system of authority that is uneven or somehow unethical. The power paradigm will be readjusted, perhaps abruptly. But avoid drama — life is complicated enough.

An exulted, tranquil Venus in Pisces conjuncts Neptune on Friday the 11th. This is a fine day to plan a romantic date, begin an artistic project, or simply to daydream about lovely things. The moon is excellently aspected, which improves moods and emotional rapport. Let your mind go, explore your imagination, and your spirit will inspire great creativity and beauty. 

Aries (March 21–April 19)

Be careful with business relationships or your mate this week (especially on Tuesday), as the sun in your sign opposes a detrimental Mars in your sector of partnerships. A lack of equilibrium must be addressed — do so slowly and delicately. As Mercury enters your sign this week, don’t get any feistier than you already are.

Taurus (April 20–May 20)

Attend to your health this week: Take good care of yourself and pay attention to your holistic well-being, otherwise you may run yourself down. Close family members can lend a helping hand, since an exulted Jupiter resides in Cancer, the sign of domesticity, in your third house of siblings and close relatives. Time spent at home will prove fulfilling and relaxing.

Gemini (May 21–June 20)

Something out of the ordinary could happen when you are out trying to have a good time, so be responsible when you socialize this week. With the sun and Mercury in your sector representing groups of people, and the sun opposing Mars in your house of fun, be picky about the functions you attend. Only go to comfortable places surrounded by trustworthy friends.

Cancer (June 21–July 22)

Be mindful of opportunities, or possible conflicts, at work or with parents and family this week. As the sun opposes Mars and your professional and home sectors face off, your career could be pitted against the interests of those with whom you live. You may be thinking about changing residences — the occasion may be right around the corner.

Leo (July 23–August 22)

Communications lean toward the esoteric and philosophical, but be careful not to be preachy about your opinions. Dogma is never constructive. Also be wary of engaging in social media wars or internet conflicts of any sort. It isn’t worth the effort and things could heat up rather fast unintentionally.

Virgo (August 23–September 22)

You may have issues involving other people’s money, or funding from institutions like banks or government agencies. Resources may be held up now but will sort themselves out soon, so be patient. This week, Mercury and the sun face off, which could be discouraging to monetary progress.

Libra (September 23–October 22)

Commitments between business associates as well as potential romantic partnerships may encounter difficulties now as Mars faces off with the sun in your astrological house of marriage and financial pairings. However, with Venus (your ruler) in exaltation in peace-loving Pisces, you should be able to maintain balance and come out on top after the storm rolls over.

Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

Be careful of accidents, as you may be prone to clumsiness. Also, do not engage in scraps at work that may undermine your authority and have damaging results.  You can have fun now, if you surround yourself with kind people — they’ll take your mind off everyday worries.  

Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

You’re feeling social; you want to have fun and explore the outside world. Just be careful not to go too wild or to indulge in unhealthy fantasies that shouldn’t actually materialize. Sometimes too much fun can be exhausting. Save some energy for summertime.

Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

If you are feeling ambitious now, be careful not to upset those around you with your lofty dreams and ideas — you could intimidate people. Instead, ask others how you can help them, and the universe will condone benevolent reciprocation.

Aquarius (January 20–February 18)

Be wary of interactions with the law. Also, now is not the best time to travel long distances. If you must, take precautions and pack everything you may need to feel safe. If you deal with people from overseas at work, there could be misunderstandings, so make a special effort to converse with care and deliberation this week.

Pisces (February 19–March 20)

Your finances could experience a recurring blockage that you must sort through in order to achieve stability. This month’s raucous astrological tempest is apt to destabilize the obstacles in the way of your financial goals — stay strong and your monetary situation should improve by summertime.

David Scoroposki is a professional astrologer working in New York City. GIF reporting by Maggie Lange.

Astrology GIFs for the Week of April 7, 2014