
A Fox News Anchor Called the Bachelorette a Slut on Air

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On this week’s The Bachelorette finale, sad, jilted contestant Nick told Andi Dorfman, “If you weren’t in love with me I’m not sure why you made love with me.” Nick revealed that two consenting adults had had adult sex in an adult situation — and the internet exploded with slut-shaming accusations. And then Fox News got in on the debate, with a lively discussion during which Bob Beckel called Andi a slut on national television.

In fact, he argued that Andi’s slutty slut sex life demonstrated America’s larger moral failings: “She’s a slut! I’m not kidding you. When she sleeps with somebody else and doesn’t tell the guy about it. This is what America has gone to,” he said. 

Yesterday, Jada Yuan correctly argued that the finale’s original conversation was not actually an instance of slut-shaming, and furthermore, that calling it “slut-shaming” suggested harmful attitudes towards female sexuality. Well, if you were still on the fence about that, here’s some hard proof:

A Fox News Anchor Calls the Bachelorette a Slut