pussy power

Picture Your Life With a Vagina Kayak

Photo: 6d745.com

Spirit your imagination into a perfect summer day of your dreams: Are you kayaking in your very own vagina kayak? Of course you are. We all are. And this day can be possible, due to the creative efforts of Japanese artist Megumi Igarashi.

Unfortunately, Igarashi was arrested in Japan for distributing images of this vagina kayak, which was created with help from a Kickstarter campaign. Authorities accused her of distributing obscene material.

Igarashi is on a mission to increase the representation of vaginas in suitable objects, not only kayaks. She says:

Why did I start making this kind of art pieces? That was because I had not seen pussy of others and worried too much about mine. I did not know what a pussy should look like at the same time I though mine is just abnormal. I wanted to make pussy more casual and pop. That’s how I came to make a pussy lampshade, a remote-controlled pussy car, a pussy accessory, a pussy smartphone case, and so on.

And now, a pussy water vessel. Happy boating!

Picture Your Life With a Vagina Kayak