Lorde Also Dumpster-Dives With Prodigious Mastery

Photo: Michael Buckner/AMA2014/Getty Images

Among her thousands of impressive talents, Lorde is an expert dumpster-diver. It’s her choicest hobby and she describes it beautifully because description is her choicest skill. As she puts it: “My favorite thing to do is trawl the inorganics.”

Naturally, she has a knack for digging through the weeds to uncover perfect gems. “Honestly, I’ve gotten amazing furniture, shoes, hats, jackets,” she told The Telegraph. “I did this three weeks ago! Recognized every single time. So embarrassing!”

In sum: (1) Never let fame stop you from doing what you love; (2) Life is a pile of junk from which you can uncover wonderful caps and coats; (3) New Zealand is a charming location where even trash-digging has an aura of medieval intrigue; and (4) This is an official petition to regularly use trawl the inorganics as a conventional euphemism.

Lorde Dumpster-Dives With Prodigious Mastery