low brow

Your Instagram Eyebrows Are Scaring Everyone

Photo: David Livingston/Getty Images

Here’s the newest entry to the brow glossary: the “Instagram brow.” Among the power brow, the Cara Delevingne brow, no-brow, and the slutty brow, the Instagram brow is like the ombré of brow hair. Today, YouTube makeup sensation (and Cut contributor) Wayne Goss is begging you to stop it with all that. He calls Instagram brows a “really frightening thing,” and pleads his case with the comment “INSTAGRAM EYEBROWS SHOULD BE ILLEGAL!” 

An Instagram brow (also known as the HD brow, or the fade), he explains, is when “[the beginning] section of the eyebrow is barely there and thickens out and becomes more defined as it goes along.” Goss says it’s a frequently used makeup technique that’s become popular on social-media channels because it photographs well.

“Eyebrows are a frame,” Goss says in the video. “Now imagine buying the most beautiful picture you’ve ever seen. One of sheer beauty. And then you put it in the darkest, thickest, ugliest frame you’ve ever seen. That’s what happens when you go mental on the brows.” Now put down the brow pencil and click on the video below to see Goss’s full case against the scariest beauty trend since Marsala.

For more from Wayne Goss, watch his exclusive beauty tutorials for the Cut, including “How to Look Less Tired,” “How to Find Your Perfect Lipstick in One Step,” “How to Make Your Skin Look Flawless,” and more

Your Instagram Eyebrows Are Scaring Everyone