
Astrology GIFs for the Week of February 9, 2015

Photo: Kelly Chiello and Photos by Graham Denholm/Getty Images, Shutterstock

Mercury stations direct on Thursday, February 12, ending a period of retrograde: Communication, trade, travel, and the usefulness of technology should all improve following this transit. You can look forward to new fiscal opportunities now that Mercury, the planet that rules trade and commerce, is no longer stationary.

Aquarius (January 20–February 18)

Now that Mercury is in your sign and stationed direct, you’ll feel its effects in everyday life. You will be on time again, and your daily routine in general will begin to go smoothly, without the technological glitches and travel mishaps associated with a period of Mercury retrograde. Take the initiative to move forward with plans now.

Pisces (February 19–March 20)

Although something very significant has come to an end recently, this completed phase of life has left you open to new prospects. You are perhaps the most romantic character of the zodiac, and with Venus in your sign now, it’s possible to charm others with your intuitive nature and caring attitude. Just make sure that the subject of your affections is worthy and has your best interests at heart. Those under this sign are sweet and have good intentions, but they are easily fooled.

Aries (March 21–April 19)

You may feel stuck or powerless regarding an important opportunity that’s subject to others’ decisions, but you’re likely to hear news by the end of the week. If you are worried or run-down, take solace in the fact that you have done all you can to influence their choice. Next week, Mars (your vigorous planetary ruler) will enter your sign, and while the mighty warrior planet resides in Aries, you will have the strength and power to accomplish anything. Just remember to keep a cool head.

Taurus (April 20–May 20)

This week you may receive news from a superior that will help you to move forward on an important project. Rely on advice from friends and groups whose opinions you value. If you feel low in energy next week, you will be able to ask these people for support — they’re invested in your endeavors, too.

Gemini (May 21–June 20)

Devote some time to your spirituality or belief system. Have faith in your ability to triumph over adversity, and take inspiration from your imagination, dreams, and fantasies. Indulging this often-hidden side of yourself isn’t escapism; it’s a way for the highly thoughtful, intellectual Gemini to investigate inner drives that will motivate new work. Because your planetary ruler, Mercury, stations direct this week, roads will open to new opportunities.

Cancer (June 21–July 22)

An emotionally difficult time may be avoided if you look to dreams and emotions to inform your decision-making process. You are a highly intuitive water sign, but also practically motivated, which makes your prescience particularly helpful. You are less impressionable and prone to illusion than the other aquatic signs. As long as your feelings align with your needs, move forward: Remember that endings lead to new beginnings.

Leo (July 23–August 22)

If you have had disagreements with your spouse or business partner lately, you both will see eye to eye again by the end of this week. The area of your chart concerned with legally bound couplings is blessed with planetary activity, which should encourage open communication and a trusting, safe environment for you both to share concerns about your relationship and hopes for the future together. Talking now will facilitate progress.

Virgo (August 23–September 22)

If a malady or health issue from the past has recurred recently, you should feel better or get medical answers by the end of this week. The sun and Mercury in your chart’s area of well-being and daily life indicate that now you are able to take control of the way you feel. Rely on your spouse or partner if you need motivation. Above all, take good care of yourself.

Libra (September 23–October 22)

Fun and pleasure take precedence, and social plans will go more smoothly by this weekend, once Mercury has stationed direct in your horoscope’s sector of amusement, sex, and creativity. If you have been waiting to hear from someone you’d like to have join in on the fun, you are likely to receive good news or make contact with this entertaining person at the end of this week.

Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

Spend time improving relationships within your home this week. Alternatively, if you have plans to move or to refurbish, you can begin the process with enthusiasm, as the sun and Mercury illuminate your chart’s area of domesticity, family, and roommates. Talks now will bring positive adjustments for everyone.

Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

By the end of this week, you’ll receive news from an outside party and obtain the answers you need to move ahead on an important project or opportunity. The sun and Mercury in your third house of communication create a sure astrological indication of valuable information coming your way very soon. It’s possible that the news you seek involves a home or living situation that you wish to improve. If so, aspects are favorable.

Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

If you have experienced financial delays or there is money held up in negotiations or bureaucratic red tape, you may see a resolution by the end of this week. Mercury in your second house of money and finances is in motion after a period of retrograde, so prepare to finally reap the rewards of completed projects.

David Scoroposki is a professional astrologer working in New York City. GIF reporting by Maggie Lange

Astrology GIFs for the Week of February 9, 2015