called out

Hillary Clinton Wants to Know Why No One’s Asking About Abortion in the Democratic Debate

How much room do we have to talk about abortion? This much! Photo: Scott Eisen/Getty Images
How much room do we have to talk about abortion? This much! Photo: Scott Eisen/Getty Images

As I’m sure was the shared attitude of many other concerned feminists during the Democratic debate Thursday, I waited impatiently for three quarters of that tireless thing before anyone mentioned abortion. And when the subject finally did pop up, it came in the form of a pointed comment from Hillary Clinton: “We’ve not had one question about a woman’s right to make her own decisions about reproductive health care. Not one question!”

Or, in this Hilary’s words, “Why the hell aren’t we talking about the fact that a bunch of conservative dudes want to police my body?”

“We’re never asked about [abortion] — this goes to who we are as women: our rights, autonomy, our ability to make our own decisions,” she said. This came after the candidates were questioned over their support of new Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland:

“The only people I would appoint to the Supreme Court are people who believe Roe v. Wade is settled,” Hillary said, couching this with her desire to overturn Citizens United.

And then the moderators asked all of the abortion questions, and there was a multifaceted discussion about a woman’s right to choose. Yeah, no, that never happened. But that ending was lovely to consider.

Hillary: Where Are the Abortion Questions?