sexual assaut

‘Heroes’ Who Rescued Stanford Assault Victim Speak Out for the First Time

Photo: Mark Miller/Mark Miller Photos

Peter Jonsson and Carl-Fredrik Arndt, the two Swedish Ph.D. students who discovered Brock Allen Turner assaulting an unconscious woman and tackled him, have spoken out for the first time since being described as “heroes” by the victim in her open letter to Turner.

Arndt spoke to Sweden’s Expressen about what he saw that night when he and Jonsson came upon the scene.

“We saw that she was not moving, while he was moving a lot,” said Arndt, according to BuzzFeed, which translated the interview from Swedish“So we stopped and thought, ‘This is very strange.’ When he got up we saw that she still wasn’t moving at all, so we walked up and asked something like, ‘What are you doing?’”

Turner took off running, but the two quickly caught up to him and tackled him before going back to make sure the victim was all right and calling campus safety. “She lay perfectly still,” Arndt said.

In a Facebook post, Jonsson said he will not publicly comment on the outcome of the trial, but rather shared a link to the victim’s letter, stating, “To me it is unique in its form and comes as close as you can possibly get to putting words on an experience that words cannot describe.”

‘Heroes’ Who Rescued Stanford Victim Speak Out