
Chelsea Clinton Wants Barron Trump to Have the Chance to ‘Be a Kid’

Chelsea stood up for Barron in a tweet Sunday. Photo: Getty Images

Chelsea Clinton knows what it’s like to grow up in the public eye, and to be a target of her parent’s political opponents from a young age (Rush Limbaugh infamously compared her to a dog at least twice). And on Sunday, after a Saturday Night Live writer reportedly mocked Barron on Twitter, Chelsea stepped in.

“Barron Trump deserves the chance every child does — to be a kid,” she tweeted.

She also used the moment to criticize Barron’s dad’s policies, saying they “hurt kids” like Barron. No word on where Barron Trump stands on issues like repealing the ACA, which could involve dismantling the Children’s Health Insurance program, but that’s probably because he’s 10 years old.

Chelsea Clinton: Give Barron Trump the Chance to ‘Be a Kid’