
This Is the Single Greatest Way to Get Out of a Political Conversation You Don’t Want to Have

Bob Katter.

Last week, Australia voted on a referendum to legalize same-sex marriage. The results were overwhelmingly in favor, which might have come as a surprise to Bob Katter, a member of Australia’s House of Representatives who campaigned against the referendum leading up to the vote. Still, when asked about it this week, Katter seemed to have gotten over himself. “I mean, you know, people are entitled to their sexual proclivities. Let there be a thousand blossoms bloom, as far as I am concerned,” he said during a press conference. Also, Katter said he’s got bigger things to worry about — namely, the crocodiles that keep eating Australian citizens. “I ain’t spending any time on it [same-sex marriage],” Katter said. “Because in the meantime, every three months, a person is torn to pieces by a crocodile in north Queensland.”

Feel free to use the crocodile line to get out of any and all conversations with your Trump-loving uncles this Thanksgiving.

This Is the Best Way to Get Out of a Political Conversation