the most important tabloids in the world

The New York Post Wastes Absolutely No Time Attacking Chelsea Clinton’s Baby

Perhaps no publication was more excited about the birth of Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky than ancient Clinton-family enemy the New York Post. With Sunday’s paper, the conservative tabloid welcomed Hillary and Bill’s first grandchild in true Post fashion, complete with partisan rancor, irrational outrage, and multiple pieces of wordplay. 

Another liberal crybaby for Dem Clintons,” the cover trumpeted. “PARTY POOPER.” The online coverage of the helpless infant was a bit gentler, noting that “little Charlotte was fashionably dressed for her first photo shoot in a pink-and-blue-striped white blanket and a pink knit cap with a floppy bow.” But everyone knows the headlines are the Post’s inimitable, dark heart and soul — and, honestly, we’d expect nothing less than this one. 

New York Post Welcomes Clinton Baby