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Sandy Alderson Interviews for the Mets Job Today

Sandy Alderson’s been the buzziest name so far in the Mets’ GM search, and he’ll formally interview for the job today. Jeff Wilpon himself confirmed the interview in a conference call last night — candidates in this round of interviews meet with Jeff Wilpon and assistant GM John Ricco, while Fred Wilpon and Saul Katz will join in for the second round — and he also said that during the interviews thus far, they’ve discussed the perception that the Mets ownership can be meddlesome, since “it’s something that’s out there.” Incidentally, Buster Olney tweets today that he hears that Alderson “has an excellent relationship” with Fred Wilpon, and that there’s no question Alderson wants the job. [NYDN]

Sandy Alderson Interviews for the Mets Job Today