
Happy Tax Day

So it’s finally tax day.* To mark the occasion, we herewith present a YouTube video of Steven Zelin, who calls himself the Singing CPA. The 31-year-old Brooklyn native is for the third consecutive year performing his accountant-themed compositions (including “Dear I.R.S.” and “Stealing From the Company”) to last-minute filers at the James A. Farley Post Office at Eighth Avenue and West 33rd Street. He performed Sunday at noon, and he’ll be there again at 10 p.m. tonight. If you want to see him, don’t be late — you can’t file for an extension. Ha! —Andrew Adam Newman

* And why is today tax day? Well, April 15 was a Sunday, and when that happens, the filing deadline gets pushed back to Monday, April 16. But, as it happens, April 16 is apparently Emancipation Day, which has recently become a legal holiday in the District of Columbia. Longstanding federal law says that D.C. holidays “have nationwide impact on tax issues,” according to the IRS. Hence April 17.

Tax Rap [YouTube]

Happy Tax Day