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Rule No. 1: Never Acknowledge What the Schnabel Is Wearing


Even Olatz Schnabel pretends not to notice the skirts. Photo: Patrick McMullan

Some cowboy from the Houston Chronicle interviewed His Schnabulousness last week. Perhaps his mind was addled after an hour of watching Schnabel’s leg hairs trailing through the azure depths of the hotel pool by which the interview was conducted, or perhaps as a straight-arrow Texan from a town where men don’t wear skirts, no sirree, he just couldn’t help himself, but something caused him to open his mouth and ask a question that no man has ever dared to ask. “I had to ask, politeness be damned,” he wrote. “What are you wearing?”

He looked surprised by the question.

What? This?” he asked, as if he really thought I might’ve been asking about his sandals.

This is a shirt I picked up last night at Target,” he said, looking bemused, “and this is a pareo, from Indonesia.”

Ahh. A pareo. From Indonesia.”

What now? Was I obliged to compliment him on it? What would Miss Manners advise?

Yes, Eric Harrison of the Houston Chronicle. Yes it does.

Julian Schnabel on the Diving Bell and the Butterfly [Houston Chronicle]

Earlier: All Things Schnabel

Rule No. 1: Never Acknowledge What the Schnabel Is Wearing