sex diaries

The Potential Jehovah’s Witness Co-ed

Once a week, Daily Intel takes a peek at what your friends and neighbors are doing behind doors left slightly ajar. Today, the Potential Jehovah’s Witness Co-ed: 21, female, Chelsea, straight, in relationship.

1:10 a.m.: Boyfriend leaves to go back uptown. We’ve been dating for four months, but it just got serious. This is the most intense relationship I’ve been in yet, but we have a real strong emotional and mental bond, which makes leaving out the sex easier. Yes, folks, believe it or not, there are still celibate couples out there.
9:46 a.m.: Walk in horrendous storm to get crosstown to work. Consider hopping on the train and going uptown to snuggle in his warm bed.
5:40 p.m.: Boyfriend meets me at the music magazine where I work, and we walk to Lyfe Jennings listening session on Madison. Working definitely has the perks of special events.
12:33 a.m.: Make it uptown to snuggle and fall asleep talking about anything and everything. He’s my best friend so it always feels good to finish the day off venting and speaking my mind to him.

11:47 a.m.: Wake up on my side of the bed. He misses me when he wakes up and I’m not here.
3:17 p.m.: Grocery shopping together. I love doing domestic things like that with him. I think his favorite thing is watching me do dishes. Or coming home and seeing them in the drying rack.
6:01 p.m.: Watch him make dinner. He puts my cooking to shame most times. By my preference, he has switched to buying boneless chicken. He made some amazing vegetable-and-chicken stir-fry thing. I work out of a cookbook, he works out of his head. Yeah, okay, I’m a little jealous.
11:43 p.m.: Drinks and dancing at the Whiskey Bar at the W in Time Square with him and friends. My first time being there. Great music as the hip-hop scene goes, numerous Cosmos (thanks, boys), and of course McDonald’s afterward at 4 a.m.

9:14 a.m.: Wake up with hangover. Rush to Sunday service. I’ve recently started learning about Jehovah’s Witnesses. Many people have a stereotypical idea of what that amounts to, but people’s ignorance is their biggest weakness. Being Catholic, I already know the premarital sex is not approved in either religion. We have both agreed to do it the right way.
2:53 p.m.: Hop back in my own bed to relax and nap on and off.
9:51 p.m.: Head uptown. After both of our services, I always like to discuss things further and work out the kinks.

11:02 a.m.: Wake up on my side of the bed. I love having “my side.” I was on the wrong side one time, and it felt just so wrong.
1:33 p.m.: Play “house” in his house. I like leaving his place better than the way he left it, that way he always has more to appreciate.
3:07 p.m.: Boyfriend comes back home from work, snuggle in bed.
4:44 p.m.: Moment of weakness sexually. Too much heavy breathing. Making out was a bad idea. Luckily, we are both strong enough to stop ourselves and maintain the self-control.

9:19 a.m.: Wake-up call from boyfriend. Although it’s becoming quite routine, I love it. He simply calls around nine every weekday morning when he gets to work. We talk for a while, and he is the motivation I need, I guess the voice that gets me up and going to start my day off.
12:14 p.m.: Make an extremely long to-do list
4:17 p.m.: Convince Starbucks to rehire me. I’ve realized that I can’t live off what’s left in the bank account.
9:33 p.m.: Fall asleep listening to the playlist on my iPod that reminds me of him, a devotion to nothing but sappy, hopeless romantic tunes.

10:48 a.m.: Wake-up call. Better late than never. He’s slacking, but I’m very appreciative of his overall efforts.
3:51 p.m.: Discuss when I’m seeing him next. Either I travel uptown or he travels downtown.
5:42 p.m.: I win.
11:07 p.m.: Boyfriend arrives and stays the night. Twin beds are clearly meant for one person, but we make it work.

7:30 a.m.: Wake boyfriend up so he can be on his way, without me going crazy from his extremely loud alarm that he sleeps right through.
10:20 a.m.: Late to work.
7:54 p.m.: Dreadful class till ten. I hate having a class so late. I suppose in the end it will be helpful, though.
10:22 p.m.: Ride uptown to fall asleep the best way I know of: in his arms on my side of the bed.

Total: Zero acts of intercourse or oral sex; one act of making out that is saved from overstepping chastity; four acts of sharing a bed with the boyfriend; one act of co-cooking.

The Potential Jehovah’s Witness Co-ed