
Daily Intel Now Available for Your Mobile Pleasure

“As a gymnast I admire your blazer.” “Thank you, it’s armadillo.”

We know how it is: Daily Intel has been less than easy to read on a BlackBerry or iPhone. And they said it couldn’t be done on a Treo. Yet during a time when spending is down, when media layoffs are daily, one Website will rise above to launch a mobile platform so that our blogs can be read on your cell phone. Yes we can.

So, starting now, Daily Intel and all of’s blog content has been made highly suitable for your mobile browsers: Just bookmark for the latest headlines across all our blogs, or check out for your DI-directed dose of wit and wisdom. Note: This is just our beta site, and we’ll make improvements in the new year. But we thought it was important to roll out something in time for the holidays, especially since we’re all giving our grandparents iPhones for Chrismukkah.

Daily Intel Now Available for Your Mobile Pleasure