ink-stained wretches

The Times Newsroom by the Numbers

When the Times sent buyout packages to all of its newsroom employees last week, included was a handy list of everyone still left with a job. There were no names, but ages, job titles and departments filled 61 pages at 46 people per page. The Observer’s John Koblin got his hands on the packet and after what must have been several sleepless nights, has helpfully distilled the list down to some interesting stats:

Size of Week in Review: 5

Size of Dining: 5

Size of Thursday Styles: 7

Editors at the Book Review: 14

Critics in the Culture Department: 18

Editors at The Times Magazine: 21

Size of Washington Bureau: 45

Size of the Opinion/Editorial Department: 49

Reporters at Metro: 50

Size of Sports Desk: 57

Size of Business Desk: 85

Size of Metro: 103

Size of Art Department: 113

Times Buyout Package Reveals More than Expected [NYO]

The Times Newsroom by the Numbers