cleaning up

BP CEO Tony Hayward Does Not Want His Life Back Anymore

BP CEO Tony Hayward has been roundly criticized for whining a couple of days ago, “There’s no one who wants this over more than I do. I’d like my life back.” You know, because nobody cares about his hardships when the environmental and economic disaster unleashed by his multinational corporation has ruined thousands of lives (like those eleven rig workers who were killed in the blast) and almost made James Carville’s enormous shiny head explode. But Hayward has seen the error of his ways and offered up an apology today, in the most impersonal medium possible: a written statement.

I made a hurtful and thoughtless comment on Sunday when I said that “I wanted my life back.” When I read that recently, I was appalled. I apologize, especially to the families of the 11 men who lost their lives in this tragic accident. Those words don’t represent how I feel about this tragedy, and certainly don’t represent the hearts of the people of BP — many of whom live and work in the Gulf — who are doing everything they can to make things right. My first priority is doing all we can to restore the lives of the people of the Gulf region and their families — to restore their lives, not mine.

Still, Hayward will obviously be relieved when this is all over, and probably looks forward to being played by Michael Sheen in the inevitable film portrayal of the Deepwater Horizon explosion and its aftermath, In Too Deep.

Gulf Oil Spill: BP CEO Tony Hayward Apologizes For Saying ‘I Want My Life Back’ [HuffPo]

BP CEO Tony Hayward Does Not Want His Life Back Anymore