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Larry King Wouldn’t Exactly Call Piers Morgan ‘Dangerous’

On the BBC, an interviewer told Larry King, “You’ve been incredibly kind about Piers Morgan. I can give you this opportunity to be horrible about him, if you want.” King laughed, said no, called Morgan a “fine broadcaster,” and then proceeded to undermine him anyway.

I think one of the problems they did was oversell it. He was going to be dangerous. He was going to be water-cooler talk. Wait til you see me — I’m different. He’s good. He’s not dangerous. *Snort.*”

A little less giggling the next time you’re facing down Oprah might help.

Larry King talks to PM [BBC via HuffPo]

A little less giggling the next time you’re facing down Oprah might help.

Larry King talks to PM [BBC via HuffPo]

Larry King Wouldn’t Exactly Call Piers Morgan ‘Dangerous’