bad ideas

Meet Another Contender for the Worst Mother in the World

Congratulations, Kerry Campbell, you are one of the worst mothers in the world. Campbell, of Birmingham, England, has been injecting her 8-year-old daughter, Britney, with the anti-aging filler so that she’ll “become a star.” “I’m sure people reading this will think I am being irresponsible,” (YES!) “but I ensure that I test the Botox and fillers I buy online on myself first.” Oh, well that makes us feel much better. Apparently Britney cried at first when receiving the treatments, “but now I don’t cry that much.” The goal with the treatments is to help Britney become famous one day. “All I want is for Britney to have the best start in life, so it is easier for her to become a superstar. More mothers should do it for their daughters.”

Other strange facts about this story: Britney’s research-scientist father died four years ago, at the age of 83. And in addition to the Botox, Campbell also waxes her daughter. Oh, and Britney says, “I also want a boob and nose job soon, so that I can be a star.”

I’m injecting my eight-year-old with Botox and getting her body waxes so she’ll be a superstar [Sun UK]

Meet Another Contender for the Worst Mother in the World