neighborhood news

Park Slopers Tell You About Their Sex Lives

Was this baby made at Rock Shop? Photo: iStockphoto

The neighborhood blog Fucked in Park Slope has just released the results of a reader survey about gettin’ it on. It seems highly unscientific, but interesting all the same. For instance, nearly one in four married readers who responded said they were looking to get a little slice of something on the side, which seems like a fairly high percentage, at least to your old-fashioned (and unmarried) Intel bloggers. Meanwhile, a plurality of respondents said that either they’d already had kids or were planning to in the future. An additional 31 percent claimed to be “undecided,” but isn’t moving to Park Slope basically like fast-forwarding to the second trimester?  We’re going to count them as breeders. Similarly, twice as many single respondents are looking for a serious relationship, rather than playing the field, though a third had enjoyed a local one-night stand. (Including at such choice locales as the bathroom at Rock Shop — the blog also asked readers to share specifics about their favorite highlight-reel evenings.)

Park Slopers also conformed delightfully to stereotype in a couple of other ways. Asked to identify what television show most resembled their life, they picked Bored to Death. And here’s what they find hot: “39.1% of readers said a dude/chick reading a book … any book will do. A bangin’ body (24.8%) came in second with steady employment following at 21%.”

Any book? Really? People, if you’re going to claim that’s your number one turn-on, do it right and exclude anything sold in a grocery store or airport bestseller stack or the self-help aisle, at the very least. Be a real asshole about it— you’re already halfway there!

Park Slopers Tell You About Their Sex Lives