temper tantrums

Bill O’Reilly Hit a Man With His Umbrella Outside a Newt Gingrich Fund-raiser

Bill O’Reilly reportedly left a Newt Gingrich fund-raiser in Washington, D.C. last night, only to be callously asked a question by a man with a camera. “Were you at Gingrich’s fund-raiser?” asks Wisconsin community organizer Brendan Lane. O’Reilly, who might recognize the tactic, walks silently in the rain, probably attempting to collect himself by counting to ten — he has a temper — but Bill only gets to seven before jabbing the camera with his umbrella.

Hey, sorry about that!” O’Reilly says sarcastically, before asking a police officer to “press charges” against the guy he physically attacked. The Fox News host’s hair flutters in the wind, Trumplike, as he drips with contempt — and rain, since he broke his umbrella.

Update: O’Reilly probably won’t be without an umbrella for long. A reader points out that the television personality is selling them in his official online Christmas store, emblazoned with the slogan “The Spin Stops Here.”

Bill O’Reilly Hit a Man With His Umbrella