mf global

Happy Birthday, End of Jon Corzine’s Career!

New Jersey governor Jon Corzine waits to speak in Newark Penn Station before signing a bill into law providing development money to his state July 27, 2009 in Newark, New Jersey. The New Jersey Economic Stimulus Act of 2009 provides millions of dollars in stimulus funds for affordable housing, transportation, business initiatives, and other job-creating efforts.
Blow out the candles, big guy. Photo: Chris Hondros/Getty Images

Today is the one-year anniversary of the total and utter collapse of MF Global, the brokerage/trading shop run by former Goldman Sachs CEO Jon Corzine.

As a birthday celebration, set aside a few minutes and read the Wall Street Journal’s excellent three-part series [I, II, and III] about MF Global’s collapse, which left millions of customer dollars missing and a lot of lawsuits in its wake. Then spend a moment pondering the fact that the guy whose reckless and risky decisions caused all of this calamity would be the governor of New Jersey right now if he hadn’t been beaten by Chris Christie.

Happy Birthday, Jon Corzine’s Unemployment!