Here’s What the Early Exits Are Telling Us About This Week’s ‘Super Tuesday’

Here’s what the early (and thus, not terribly reliable) exit polls are telling us about what could be the most decisive night of primary voting thus far.

Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz are performing well with late deciders.

Trump still making America hate again.

The National Review is not winning over working-class whites.

A lot of Republicans voting today are looking for a third way.

Hillary Clinton’s policies strike folks as more realistic.

Bernie Sanders may have had a breakthrough with Latinos in Illinois.

Florida Republicans support amnesty … and Donald Trump.

Democrats voting today have more faith in Clinton as their Trump-slayer.

It’s not looking good for Bernie in Ohio.

A decent number of Democrats switched sides in the Buckeye State.

A majority of today’s Republican voters are looking for someone without experience.

Voters in both parties not feeling great about international trade.

Kasich looks like he will take Ohio, Sanders’s best chance for a win may be in Illinois.

Takeaways From Tonight’s Early Exit Polls