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Nordic Leaders Taunt Trump Over His Orb

Nordic prime ministers appear to mock President Trump in a recent photo. Photo: Matt McDermott/Twitter

Trump’s first official trip abroad came with plenty of high jinks — shoving the prime minister of Montenegro over top billing in a photo op, that unreal picture with Pope Francis at the Vatican — but none was quite so singularly photo-worthy as Trump touching the orb. Along with Saudi Arabia’s king Salman and Egypt’s president Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, Trump placed his hands on a glowing globe at the Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology. Like some sort of internet butterfly effect, Trump’s palms on the orb immediately inspired dozens and dozens of memes, and apparently this slow-burner of a diss from several Nordic leaders, which would come the following week. Prime ministers from Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden, and Iceland all posed with a soccer ball to re-create Trump’s bizarro orb picture during recent talks in Norway.

Your move, Trump.

Nordic Leaders Stage Trump’s Orb Photo Using a Soccer Ball